Monday, January 30, 2006

Gratulerer til Jolie som er 8 år idag! Og like sprek, hun har ikke vært syk en dag i hele sitt liv!

Congratulations to Jolie who is 8 years today! And allways healthy, she has not been ill a single day of her life!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Snuppa fri for AA

Snuppa er også fri for albueleddsartrose, AA A. Da er alle papirer klare for å få kullet (Cachemire x Classique) godkjent for formidling gjennom Norsk pyrenéerhundklubb.

Snuppa is also free of elbowdisplasia, AA A. All papers are now ready for approval of the combination (Cachemire x Classique) by the Norwegian Pyrenean Mountain Dog Club.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Snuppa fri for HD

"Snuppa" (Classique du Valle de Joli Jaunter) har nå fått offisielt røntgenresultat fri for hofteleddsdysplasi, HD A.

"Snuppa" (Classique du Valle de Joli Jaunter) has got the official x-ray results and she is free of hip dysplasia, HD A.