Det går fint med alle valpene og de har blitt veid idag. De veies nesten hver dag. Minstemann veier 2,0 kg og den andre hannen 2,8 kg, to tisper veier 2,5 kg og resten 2,8-3,0 kg. De har begynt å utforske stua, og tispa på bildet synes det var fint å ligge å sove under PC bordet mitt.
All the puppies are doing well and have been weight today. The smallest male is 2,0 kg and the larger male 2,8 kg. Two of the 7 females are 2,5 kg and the rest of the females 2,8-3,0 kg. They have started to explore the living room and the female on the picture found a good place to sleep under my computer table.