Saturday, March 26, 2011

o-litter opening their eyes

The last weeks I have been busy busy.... 21 puppies and their mums requires a lot of attention and care. Not much sleep last month...

Gavarnie and her puppies are doing well. They are 12 days old. They have just started opening their eyes and as allways I am looking forward to see their expressions. They are well fed by their mother and trying to walk, much happens this age. To protect their half opened eyes the photos have to wait a couple of days, then I will try some without the blitz.

Havannes puppies are growing, they are 4 weeks today, and has allready been eating puppy food for a week. The males are big. I am planning to take standing photos of them this weekend. They are spending their days eating, sleeping, pooping, playing and barking. I am preparing an outdoor kennel for them so they soon can come out in the sunny weather, but it is still too cold and we have a lot of snow :-( I am not too happy about the snow conditions.

We have show quality puppies available of both sexes from both litters. With 21 puppies there is a lot to chose from! Normally the puppies should be 5 weeks before visitors come to see them. This is because the mums can get very stressed and does not take care of the puppies while the visitors are here. Another reason is the risk of contamination and the puppies are very fragile. Havanne loves visitors allready and people familiar to the dogs are allowed to visit, but for Gavarnie it is too early for visitors. In a week or two our puppy buyers are very welcome to visit.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gavarnie today

The temperature is falling today which means that Gavarnie will probably deliver her puppies tonight or tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Gavarnie 7 dager igjen (eller mindre..)

Gavarnie må snart overta valpekassa, så Havanne og hennes 12 små skal flyttes over til et større rom slik at de får bedre plass.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Øynene åpnes!

Nå har flere av valpene åpnet  øynene! Det er så spennende å se hva slags uttrykk de får, også får man litt mer kontakt med de når de ser noe.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Gavarnie 10 dager igjen

Gavarnie er nå stor som en hval og ligger bare og sover. Det som er helt sikkert er at dette også blir et stort kull.

Gavarnie is big as a whale and is mostly sleeping. This is for sure also a big litter.

N-kull 1 uke

Med hele 12 valper i kullet har det knyttet seg stor spenning til om alle ville klare seg, og det har de gjort! Jeg hadde regnet med en stor jobb med tilleggsforing av valpene, men tåteflaskene står fortsatt urørt. Havanne har en overflod av melk og spiser 3-4 ganger mer enn sin normale dagsrasjon. Det betyr at hun må ut på do midt på natta og det er lenge siden jeg sov en helt natt. Alle valpene er store og velfødde, sterke og fornøyde. I skrivende stund er de 8 døgn, de tar sine første skritt, men har ikke åpnet øynene enda.

Klikk på bildet i forrige innlegg og du kommer direkte til N-kullets album.