Sunday, February 24, 2008

Champion Gaia

Gaia ble norsk champion igår på NKK Bø i Telemark. Det var langt flere pyer påmeldt enn det som var vanlig på Bø og det var 6 tisper som kunne få certet, så det var veldig spennende helt til siste slutt. Gaia endte til slutt på 2.plass i beste tispe klasse og fikk Cert og reserve CACIB. Jeg tror hennes glede, iver, gode bevegelser og fart i ringen hadde stor betydning for plasseringen, men hun fikk også på kritikken "feminin bitch of excellent type, pleasing head and expression". Ciachi fikk også CK og ble nr 4 i champion klassen.

Gaia became a Norwegian champion yesterday at the int show in Bø in Telemark. There was a lot more pyrs than usual there, and there was 6 females competing for the CAC, so it was very exciting until the end when the four best females were placed and Gaia was No 2 best female with CAC and resCACIB. I think her happyness in the ring and the good and efficient movement was important for the final placement, but she also was given the description "feminin bitch of excellent type, pleasing head and expression". Ciachi also got excellent and was No4 in ch class.